Scene By Scene LV

COVID-19: Easter Special


Is this the new normal.?

Are we now living in a world where a handshake, a hug or our ability to gather together could kill us?!  At this point in time, the answer is a resounding “YES”. Wow, this is a really depressing way to start a post, but, fear not, all is not lost. Yes, our world has ground to a screeching halt, but this is where we, in the entertainment industry, excel. We have the ability to think outside the box because sometimes the best creative work can be born from the darkness that we’re experiencing.

Our spirit is what reminds us that we have the ability to look forward, to look ahead and create new ways to work, rest, play and pray. We have entered a Holy Week, like no other. It’s a week where in previous years we gathered together in places of worship to celebrate the rising of Christ.

The picture you see above was taken from the sound booth at my dear friend and business partners church. It’s a snapshot of how her church, through a vocal and musical telling of Jesus’ challenging and heroic walk to his death on the cross was expressed to the faithful.

When the Governor of Nevada restricted all religious gatherings to 10 people, her church accepted the challenge to find a way to celebrate “Christ has Risen”, the religious Super Bowl of Christianity.

Scene by Scene LV was included in this undertaking, and rose to the challenge - pun intended. We, along with Stan Judd Photography, brought the technical equipment and skills needed, at this important time, to this house of worship. For this dramatic reading accompanied by marimba, lighting equipment was brought in and set up so that the faithful could worship in peace, sing with love in their hearts and listen to the sounds of prayer, via livestream. SJ Photography provided the lighting set-up which brought a reverence and dark hue to this solemn presentation.

The challenge itself was not difficult and the task was completed. The difficulty lay in knowing that the restrictions set in place by the Governor wouldn’t allow the uplifting feeling of “community” to wash over the congregation that would have been sitting in the church. Only 10 people at a time were allowed inside, protective gear was worn by all who arrived.

These are strange times my friends. We ask that you abide by the rules and regulations that have been set out to protect not just you, but your family, friends and fellow human beings. Have a wonderful Easter, and may you all be blessed with good health and happiness.
